8 gedachten aan “Homo Braam – do 31 mei 2007”

  1. Ik geloof dat ik het daar wel mee eens ben. Hoe je het ook wendt of keert: wat een domme actie!

    [sÇ: dat dekt wel ongeveer de lading, ja.]

  2. I hoped a bit more from you, S. That propaganda from the army always sounded quite… well, army-like. It is funny indeed that when we want to be funny, we use it. And what is the point of this sort of reactions? catharsis? No matter if we are basically throwing to the shit the career of one of our partijgenoten? Or is it about putting pressure on her up to get her to quit? or?

    [sÇ: I always deemed satire to be one of my qualities. I’m sorry you don’t seem to get that. I think it’s one of the more positive ways to show my anger about the fact that one of our representatives has shown that she is quite unable to simply vote. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?]

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